Email Marketing

Imagine having a business in this century that doesn’t have an online presence. Over 90% of those who own smartphones, including phones, have a social media account; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and such. This number continues to grow, which means you’ve very few customers left analog. This is where customers meet with others and decide on the trends. That’s why social media is a marketing goldmine.

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What do you achieve with CBD Webdesign?

Account set up

Account set up

We will set up your accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other main platforms. We will add more information about your products and company to help prospects know what you stand for and, most importantly, optimize your profile.

Regular content

Regular content

Once the account is set up, we post regular content; photos on Instagram and Facebook posts. Your followers want to be engaged all the time, and therefore the content we create asks them questions, so they remain active. The content educates them more on CBD oil, which will help them change their perceptions and stereotypes on the subject.  With time they begin to appreciate CBD and ultimately become unofficial brand ambassadors.



Posting on Instagram is a different approach. It’s a platform that works with visuals, engaging photos, and graphics. That’s why one of the things we’ll do is produce custom images for posting on your Instagram page. Every picture must communicate CBD’s benefits, the lifestyle behind it, and why it’s not all “an evil.”

Community management

Community management

Our clients like you will also benefit from community management services. We believe in a tight -knot group of fans who will ensure that you’ve constant feedback. Thus you’ll be in a position to improve your products with time.

We have a strategy on how to grow your social media community. We’ve done it successfully for years, and once you’ve our team on board, we’ll get you to the top of search engines and as the market preference.

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